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Dive Computer and Analog Gauge from AquaLung

Dive Computer and Dive Gauge from AquaLung

Diving Equipment

AquaLung offers a wide range of diving computers and diving instruments. A dive computer or a gauge are an essential part of the diving equipment. With the dive computer on your wrist or an analog device on your side, the dive instruments ensure that you have a lot of information about your dive in view.

Today’s technology makes the complex simple. The advanced diving instruments from AquaLung impress with their benefits and easy-to-use technology. All dive computers have an intuitive user interface. The standard batteries can be changed by the user themselves and are therefore easy to use. The display lighting and easily recognizable displays ensure unobstructed reading at every depth. Our analog instruments are manufactured with high quality with a focus on ease of use.

Current dive computers from AquaLung:


Diving instruments from AquaLung: