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Beginner Dive Courses with Member Diving

Beginner Dive Courses with Member Diving

Diving Courses

As a leading SSI dive center, based on Koh Samui, Member Diving offers the following diving courses for beginners. All courses are primarily conducted in German or English.

Diving for Children (8 to 11 years) (respectively SSI Scuba Rangers Program): The SSI Scuba Rangers Program is a club that offers numerous diving activities for children ages 8 – 12. Safety is a top priority and Scuba Rangers programs are only taught by specially trained instructors in a pool, or under confined water conditions in a protected area up to a maximum depth of 5 meters. You will earn the Scuba Rangers recognition rating.

Introductory Diving Program (Try Diving, DSD): The SSI Try Scuba program is your introduction to the underwater world. This entry-level program gives you the opportunity to experience the underwater world, in a confined water setting. You will earn the SSI Try Scuba recognition rating.

Scuba Diver: This program is for students who do not have the time to complete the Open Water Diver program, and provides you with the training and experience required to dive in open water environments under the supervision of a dive professional. You will earn the SSI Scuba Diver certification, which can be upgraded to the SSI Open Water Diver certification with additional training.

Open Water Diver: This globally-recognized certification program is the best way to begin your life-long adventure as a certified scuba diver. Personalized training is combined with in-water practice sessions to ensure you have the skills and experience required to become truly comfortable underwater. You will earn the SSI Open Water Diver certification.

Scuba Review: Haven’t been scuba diving lately? Feeling a bit rusty? The Scuba Review program is just the refresher you need to brush up on your knowledge and skills. A instructor will get you in the water having fun and feeling comfortable again.

Private Instructor: Member Diving can offer you a private diving instructor, who will only take care of you and prepare with you the safe existence of a diving course.

What are you waiting for – sign up today for your underwater adventure!