Member Diving Blog Post Title
Diving equipment - what should I buy first EN

Diving equipment – what do I buy first?

Diving Equipment

Buy everything at once? No does not have to be – it always depends on where you dive and how much you dive.
But the following equipment can be seen as advice:

  • ABC’s equipment (mask *, snorkel and fins) *, if you wear glasses, there are masks with corrective lenses!
  • Dive computer, possibly with an integrated compass or a separate compass, signal buoy
  • Buoyancy compensator (BCD)
  • Own diving suit (especially when diving in cold water with a dry suit)
  • Regulator, octopus

When diving in cold water, other and additional equipment such as a lamp, 2nd regulator (1st stage regulator) etc. also apply.

Member Diving will be happy to advise you if you want to buy diving equipment during a divie course or stay on Koh Samui. Either we organize the desired product or we go to our supplier in the shop and see what they are having.