Member Diving Blog Post Title
Come on a diving trip - around Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Sail Rock.

Scuba Diving and Diving Courses – The Best time to start!

Dive Tours

Come with us on a diving trip – around Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Sail Rock.

Or start a diving course with Member Diving!

The months of June to September are clearly the best months to go scuba diving on Koh Samui and start a diving courses! Besides June to September, the actually weather conditions in January till April gives us als great times to scuba diving around Koh Samui.

Besides scuba diving, snorkeling around Koh Samui is great too!

This is related to the weather (and Monsoon) as the rainy season on Koh Samui is usually from October to January. It doesn’t get colder than 26 degrees on the island and the accommodations are also cheaper – but the rain and wind can be so violent that the streets are flooded. The same applies to the surrounding islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Tao.

In the months of June to September it can be rainy, but much less – and only short and short showers. The temperatures in these four months are also much higher than during the winter months.

What does Member Diving offer?

Our diving trips are always an experience. We dive in small groups (no more than 4 divers per dive group). Safety is our top priority! But the fun is not neglected either! We dive around Koh Tao (including Chumphon Pinnacle) and of course at Sail Rock!

An overview of what diving tours we offer can be found here: Diving & Snorkeling around Koh Samui

In addition to our diving excursions, we train divers – starting with trial scuba diving (Discover Scuba Diving), Open Water Diver Course (diving licence for life!) To Divemaster.

Here is an overview of which diving courses can be taken on Koh Samui: SSI diving courses on Koh Samui

If you already know what activities you want to do during your holiday, register today for a diving trip or diving course – by using our contact form here!