Member Diving Blog Post Title
Buddy Check - The Predive Safety Check

The Buddy Check

A standard pre-dive safety check, or buddy check, consists of five steps. As a dive school, we know that it helps divers to go through the pre-dive safety check steps in the same order before each dive. Divers are less likely to forget a step if they use a methodical system. The steps of the pre-dive safety check are:

1. B – BCD (Buoyancy Control Device)

Everything that is part of the BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) is checked here:

  • Jacket properly tightened?
  • Inflator hose (jacket and dry suit) connected?
  • Does the inflator (jacket and dry suit: inlet and outlet) work?
  • Are there any quick release valves? If so, where and do they work? Are they all easily accessible?

2. W – Weight System:

Here all points around the Weight System used are checked:

  • Which Weight System is used? Weight pockets, weight belt, harness weight belt, backplate, V-weight, P-weight?
  • Is the weight available, and if so, is it enough?
  • For weight pockets: Are the weight pockets tight? How does the release mechanism work?
  • For weight belts: Does the belt fit properly (can be opened with the right hand)? Is it easy to reach the buckle? Can you drop the weight belt? How is the weight belt opened?
  • For the harness lead belt: Does the harness lead belt fit properly? How does the release mechanism work?

3. R – Releases Check:

In this point all buckles and other closures of the equipment are checked for function:

  • Jacket: Shoulder, waist and chest belt buckles properly closed?
  • Is the strap tightened?
  • Bottle: Is the bottle tight? Is the closure secure?

4. A – Air Supply:

The air supply for the dive is checked here:

  • Is the tank turned up?
  • How much air is in the tank?
  • Is the finimeter or dive computer working?
  • Is the primary air supply working?
  • Is the alternative air supply working?
  • Where and how is the alternative air supply attached?

5. OK: Final check of the ABC equipment (diving mask, fins, snorkel if applicable) as well as the dive computer.

We use an acronym to help divers remember the steps in the correct order – Buoyancy – Weights – Releases – Air – Final Okay, but you can use any other phrase that helps you remember BWRAF.

After each diver has confirmed that their equipment and that of their dive buddy is working properly, and the equipment is attached and everything is in place, then both dive buddies are ready to dive.

Have a great dive!